Laser Cutting

Laser cutting is a highly precise and accurate contactless based 3D printing service that is ideal for cutting thin and flat materials from a laser beam. The standard materials of laser-cut parts: ceramics, wood, metals, aluminium, chrome and plastics.

About Laser Cutting:

  • Like every other manufacting method, there are pros and cons that come along with it:


    1. Smooth surface quality.

    2. Cost-effective and affordable


    1. Design limitation (flat parts only)

  • Do take note before you send us your files:

    1. File format: .pdf

    2. Scale of the model should be kept within these dimensions: 1000mm x 610mm.

    3. Dimensions: Display accurate dimensions of parts

    4. If you have multiple files you would like to get quotations on, kindly:

    • Rename file names: [File name-Thickness-Material-Quantity]

      e.g. “part1-3mm-Aluminium-3x”

    • Zip the files in a folder and send it to us for the quotation!

  • Once your parts have been printed, you should expect to see precise cuts and edges.

  • There are a few types of objects that you could produce using laser cutting as your manufacturing method. Some of the most common applications using laser cutting are:

    1. Electronic/automotive/medical

      • Trimming

    2. Woodworking

      • Engraving

    3. Displays

      • Signages, logos

  • When it comes to projects that require intricate detail and precision, laser cutting is generally considered more suitable, particularly for designs of smaller-scales. Laser cutting is your go-to service if you have any simple or complex flat designs you would like to produce with high efficiency along with an affordable cost!

    If you have concerns regarding budget or lead time, do not hesitate to seek advice from our team!